Aerial view of finance district in London
This week we are talking about green issues with a particular slant on renewable energy. Today’s blog is from Barry Nutley at Viridis Energy.
Renewable Energy. Is it just for “Greenies?
Let’s be honest. Historically renewable energy technologies such as solar,wind, biomass and heat pumps, have been deemed as a “luxury” item and only just for “Greenies”?!
Comments such as “it’s too expensive, you never get your money back, payback takes forever” tell us some of the reasons why.
This seems to contradict many opinion polls that claim that most people would be prepared to pay more for environmental products/services!
So in reality, we can conclude that, in most cases, the money speaks louder than the environment (especially in these trying times.)
The other problem is that we seem to get it rammed down our throats, that it is the only way we can reduce our carbon emissions, and save the planet. Often referred to as ‘Greenwash’. This starts putting many environmentally concerned people off the concept, and narrows the market to, said, Greenies, who will do anything to reduce their carbon emissions regardless of cost (lucky devils!).
Government Schemes
We then come to another problem. the Governmment! Many people say that the Government are not doing enough, and that the grants are not enough. Well let’s be fair to them (a hard concept to grasp I know, but bear with me!).
Who’s heard of the Feed in tariff (FIT), or the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)? I’m guessing that many of you may well have, but by the same token, many of you won’t? And if the Government is failing, then it is because they haven’t done enough to promote them.
Without going into too much detail. These 2 schemes make renewable energy technologies much more financially attractive, whilst still giving thesame environmental benefits! For example, the FIT, started 1st April 2021.
In Summary
A well designed solar PV (for electricity) system should give you a return on your investment of around 8% (tax free, I might add!), with a wind turbine giving much greater returns. All backed by the Government. Now where else can you get that sort of return? Answers on a post card please!?