I would like to say a big thank you to all those people below who wrote for me this week. I’ve learned a lot and I hope this collaboration will raise eco issues further up in peoples minds. This round up is a quick all in one place article with links to the various blogs and a quick synopsis to each one so you can find them easily.
We kicked off last week prior to the event with my own blog about timber framed housing. Really, this blog was the inspiration behind the week of blogs. It was so well received and commented on both here and on Twitter, that I felt we needed to try and expand a little more on the Eco issues companies and individuals face. So in the true nature of Twitter I asked if anyone was interested in writing for me. Within an hour I had 4 writers ready to go! It was an amazing demonstration of just how powerful Twitter can be. ( Whaddya mean you’re not on Twitter!??- by the way if you haven’t joined me yet you can find me here
Advantages Of Timber Framed Housing – my own blog focusing on why we dont use more timber framed buildings for new builds.
Sustainable Builds-Repeating Age Old Methods from Benedikte Ranum talking about how we can look again at age old methods and use them in new ways, including modern day examples.
Good Looking Sustainability from Fiona RussellHorne at Builders Journal. Fiona talks about how to use eco methods to retro fit already built homes and the design and use of eco products in todays market.
Building For The Children from Christian Vigurs at ESI.This talks about a specific project in Ireland where the focus was in designing a day nursery for children with full eco / sustainable structure built in traditional Irish style to blend in with the surroundings.
From The Cradle To the Grave from Rob Cameron who works in the automotive industry. This blog is about how the basic raw materials are obtained and their true environmental cost from build, through useful life to demolition. Very interesting and insightful read.
A Personal Story finally from David Popely who is an accountant by trade, but this is his own personal account of going green from ditching his telly to growing food and bee keeping. He is living the ‘Good Life’!
Next week we are having another special week of great blogs focused on design. Join us for another insightful week of great bloggers working in the industry!